Message from the Co-Chair
Evan G. Greenberg
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chubb Group
Fellow delegates and distinguished guests,
I am honored to serve as co-chair of China Development Forum 2024 and would like to extend my sincerest welcome to all of you. I wish to thank the Development Research Centre of the State Council and the China Development Research Foundation for their work in shaping the 2024 forum agenda and making this year’s event a reality.
For nearly a quarter century, the China Development Forum has been the distinguished venue for policy debate and open and constructive dialogue between Chinese policymakers and foreign experts from the international business and academic communities. This year’s forum follows that tradition and will focus on “The Continuous Development of China.” Building upon China’s five-year modernization plan unveiled in 2022 at the 20th National Congress, we will examine priorities relevant not just to China but to the entire global community such as economic development and innovation. These focus areas are supported by targeted structural reforms.
As one of the largest insurers in the world, my company, Chubb, has a long and storied history in China dating back to 1792 when a predecessor firm began providing protection to the pioneers of trade between the United States and China. We are proud of our participation in over 200 years of U.S.-China relations and the contributions we have made to the modernization of the Chinese insurance industry. Leading global insurers such as Chubb, with experience, knowledge, and technology, continue to play an active and supportive role in China’s insurance marketplace. For example, as China becomes a more prosperous society, its businesses grow, and the population becomes wealthier while aging. Global insurers like Chubb have the experience and expertise to assist in building a healthy and strong insurance industry that can effectively meet the growing demands for protection and savings a modern society requires.
China’s economic growth is unprecedented in human history. As the size of China’s economy has grown, so has its influence. China’s economic transformation has created enormous opportunities for its people and for the world. The United States and China, the two largest economies in the world, have each benefited from trade and investment ties over the years. The U.S. and U.S. companies have benefited from access to a sizable and growing Chinese market, while China has benefited from access to the U.S. market, as well as capital, talent, and technology exchanges going back many decades, and this has supported China’s rise.
I have confidence in the Chinese culture and the hardworking nature and entrepreneurial spirit of the Chinese people. And I believe that a strong and prosperous China that supports and invests in the international system is a force for good in the world. It is in this spirit of engagement that we can address at this year’s forum a number of today’s global challenges. Solutions to threats from war, disease, famine, global warming and artificial intelligence, to name but a few, are more within reach when we are pulling in the same direction than when we are splitting apart.
The China Development Forum provides an invaluable venue for participants from government, business, and academia to candidly exchange views, learn about each other’s interests, and seek common ground. I look forward to engaging with you at China Development Forum 2024 to advance these goals.
Evan G. Greenberg
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
国务院发展研究中心是从事综合性政策研究和决策咨询的国务院直属事业单位,其主要职责是贯彻落实党中央关于政策咨询研究工作的方针政策和决策部署,组织开展经济社会发展和改革开放中的全局性、综合性、战略性、长期性问题及热点、难点问题研究,开展政策评估、政策解读、国际交流合作等,为党中央、国务院 提供政策建议和咨询意见。